
Thursday, September 2, 2010

The importance of a business plan

A business program is a document which proposes the business which proposes to carry out its viability in the marketplace, the amount of resourcefulness’s needed (financial, operational and human resourcefulness’s) and the manner in which these resourcefulness’s leave be achieved .

Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective populate, says that all things are created twice, beginning in the mind, in the dimension of projecting, then the material world in the aspect of the construction.

"When you program to build a house, beginning built in the paper, each foundation plans and proportion. From this map is given by the beginning hammer blow. Do not do it this way would lead him to spend a lot of extra money in exchange for the lack of viability of their performances. That's what the double creation, "says Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective populate.

Which raises Covey also applies to business. Do a truthful business program, rigorous and capful lead to complete ruin, when the marketplace reality leaves show that its initiative was not timely or was misplaced.

Economy Country recommends a model of simple business program and cash which was divided into four subordinate plans:

Beginning program content: Sales program.

The number of sales or business is the most important variable of the companion. Through the marketing of goodness’s or services is that the money arrives.

The most important content of the beginning program is the marketing project. Before embarking on any initiative, you should investigate whether the product is marketed in the marketplace place.

It would be useful answers to the following questions:

Really what I think is sold on the marketplace? Who are my potential customers, populate or other companies? What is my responsibility and if I capful take space? What I capful win marketplace share in the short and medium term? Leave it compete with low prices or higher quality? What face barriers to entry, if any? What would make me any different to me from others offering similar products?

Another exercise to be carried out in the foreground content is the projection of sales. It consists of many units of product or service could be sold in a given period (the year is the term most used), plus the final cost to be dispatched. The cost times the units would be equal to the turnover capful be achieved.

Both the number of units projected to sell, as the cost to be sold, must be consistent with a thorough marketing program and truthful, otherwise, who uses the tool to deceive and pays the consequences in the actual management the companion.

Second subordinate program: program resourcefulness’s.

What equipment do I need? Do I need a well located and I capful operate from home? Do I need to accept car? "I capful do my activities on the Web?”What I need is available? Do I need special permission from the authorities to use something that I need? What is the characteristic of the human resourcefulness’s we need?

The responds to these inquiries amount to a simple example of resourcefulness program. It differs from the cost program (discoursed below) to check if what is needed is really available to the entrepreneur.

For example, is not the same be informed about what it prices to purchase or lease of commercial premises, to know if the shop is available to comply with the necessaries on position, visibility and space projecting that the companion would need.

Once you accept certainty of availability of resourcefulness’s, is advanced to the third subordinate.

Third subordinate program: program prices.

The companion not only earns money. Before you even check the beginning sale, the merchandiser incurs respective expenses that allow you to carry out production of its goodness’s / helps.

After determining the viability by marketplace, the volume that capful be sold and the elements or resourcefulness’s that are indispensable, it is necessary to know how much it would cost to acquire what is going to marketplace, besides the expenditure involved in maintaining a business.

If you make your own product, you accept to investigate how much the raw material, machinery, labor, plant product, administrative prices, among other issues that are crucial to meet the target.

Should be a merchandiser or service provider must know what you need and how much it prices, the cost of goods at wholesale and hypothetical salaries of employees needed.

This phase is critical because there you capful see that the projected sales would not cover any prices, which leads to the downfall of the business.

If the above are only two options: abandon the initiative or reform. But if it does not, proceed to the fourth program subordinate.

Fourth subordinate program: financial program.

Usually, the entrepreneur does not accept enough money to raise a companion in such proportions as we explained earlier, therefore, the solution is to adopt from the bank.

Both the resource program and cost program should be precise, for the purpose of knowing the amount needed to finance and justify to the bank that sum.

The credit institution acts as a partner to provide capital for the initiative, so the sales program has to be used as an argument that the companion leave succeed in the near future and that the risk is taken in itself is not disproportionate.

As in other stages of projecting, there are several questions to be asked to complete the fourth program content:

How much income is needed? What average interest rate offered by the banking marketplace? What guarantees commanded by the bank, business or personal? Is it possible to approach other sources of financing such as venture capital, friends or family?

Any interest expense and loan contracts should be included in the program content of prices; in addition, the availability of fiscal resourcefulness’s is the responsibility of the program content to resourcefulness’s, in order to increase the rigor of the analysis.

A business program capful fails for respective reasons such as: a sudden change in the scenario or the lack of key data truth. However, what an entrepreneur capful affords is to begin an adventurous travel without a fine mapping.

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