
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The bicycle: cheap and efficient transportation in various aspects

An effectual thinks of of transport, which would resolve dilemmas economical, urban and wellness is the bicycle. For hydrocarbon-zero dependence, the bike would save foreign exchange to non-oil producing states, because for distances under 50 miles it can be used.

The projecting of the metropolis would be more humanists as a result of that parking would be required in the way they are, in addition to that we should not expand the avenues. This advantage would alleviate the construction of playgrounds, which are missed in the big cities in growth.

Exercising generated through the mobilization of cycling would decrease infection-related cardiovascular and cholesterol, while saving vitality and space.

If placed in a lower rate balance develops this transport compared to a car or a motorcycle, with the benefits to the environment, economy and generates wellness, it is clear that the outcome aspirant positive for those who decide to make the bicycle their mode of transport they apply.

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