
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A virtual library idea

The Internet has not yet been exploited commercially in the proportion that canful be. The articles trade, which falls under the heading of cultural leisure business, has the future possibility of expansion through on the network of networks.

Through on a website companion dot com has the power to market through on literary material in PDF (portable document format, something like portable document format) to be sent to buyer's email.

To prevent the material flowing through on the network for free, PDF format canful be developed that does not support transfers, so that the computer that downloaded the beginning time is the only one in which to read the file.

Not only the credit card must be the payment to download books from a bookshop. The companion canful enable a reception of MiniMessages that the buyer canful send, so the pay phone operator and the client library to fulfill its obligation through on the bill or recharge your mobile phone.

A book that costs $ 30 now canful be worth five dollars and exchange system, since the production and sale of these virtual books or ebooks not require expenditure of paper (printing), storage, transportation and a place where being displayed costly commercial . For the beginning time, the author could get his reviewers without intermediaries, would be part of the Internet revolution.

A lower cost to reviewers, the power to share interesting information without protectionist tariff barriers, as well as a relief for the environment, are the benefits of the development of virtual libraries.

This model should expect that the masses are connected, are bancaricen and change its culture, but the only constant is change and it is better to anticipate, for purposes of making a positive influence.

Monday, August 30, 2010

How you eat the speculation?

The speculation is to purchase a considerable amount of raw materials, works of art, foreign exchange, corporal actions or any other property for the purpose of selling it later at a higher cost than you bought it at first.

On this, the speculator (in a fine sense of the word) seeks to act business on products that generate others. For illustration, Luis planted rice and harvested about 10 million pounds.

So the era in which there is more rice cocechas Spring, Luis cannot throw the cereal marketplace all of a sudden, because its production, and that of other rice, fall below the cost, because that supply will exceed demand.

So what Luis has to act is to store part of your production until the existence of the agricultural production is scarce, the supply comes into balance on demand and the cost reach fruitful levels.

In the process of commercial game that raises the strategy of retaining the production to be appreciated in the marketplace, comes John, a speculator food.

John buys today's prices the goods to marketplace Luis thought in the future.

For illustration, a pound of rice harvested Luis sells in times of abundant harvest to RD $ 12.00 a pound. Despcaha 5.000 quintals and save some other 5,000 to the cost not less than RD $ 12.00, since the cost of production was RD $ 10.00 and the producer wants to get fine profits as any business.

John is the speculator and Luis poses to purchase the 5,000 other quintals, to enter the domestic marketplace within three months. Juan Luis agreed to purchase the rice at RD $ 12.00 per pound that is sold today.

Juan, being a student of food prices and their behavior throughout the year, recognizes that the rice will cost RD $ 12.00 in April, the month of the spring crop, worth RD $ 16.00 in July, when markets have shortages and the next harvest seems distant.

For the speculator assumes that the trend in the cost of rice will be upwards and purchase today at the store of Louis the 5,000 quintals to RD $ 12.00 a pound for three months to sell for RD $ 16.00 a pound, this mode is earned RD $ 4.00 per pound on the production stored Luis.

A Luis you choose this treatment, following this allows production dispatch all of a sudden a fruitful cost, without coming into the marketplace to depress prices.

The work of John is running the risk that rice, rather than raise, lower, for illustration, RD $ 9.00 pound and win instead of losing RD RD $ 4.00 $ 3.00.

Juan, but has experience in food prices, overproduction in the United States cheaper international rice prices may depress or unexpected import permit as granted by the Ministry of Agriculture. This causes whatever gains are lost after.

The speculation can be fine because if Luis sends everything to the marketplace to make money once the production is sold at very low prices, thus affecting production and then not in the marketplace because it is exhausted.

Some other meaning

Speculation concerning the premium cost that traders apply to essential goods for profit above normal and acceptable is some other matter. The term speculation was adapted to be synonymous on speculators, but it has to act on the scientific meaning of economic theory.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Beware of other dot-com bubble!

By achieving 500 million users (of which many are not active), the company Facebook is valued at more than 24,000 million dollars a Bloomberg magazine.The company, which bases its business with being social network support world's about successful, had earnings of $ 700 million in 2009. To obtain the value assigned to Bloomberg, Facebook needs to operate and is pop for the future 34 yrs.

The fiscal specialists expect earnings of 1,300 million dollars by the end of 2010, but the verb "hope" equals "has not happened yet." Would you buy contributions betting that Facebook social network will still be pop in 2044? Could someone make sure that Facebook will remain in control of our virtual lives in the future three yrs?

Google contributions surpass $ 400. Fund managers around the world expect the stock price will rise, since the company was 6.000 billion dollars in profits in the second quarter of 2010. However, can anyone project if Google remains the king of online search in the future five yrs?

Early in the decade of the 00 (2000), investors around the world lost billions of dollars when the bubble burst dot-com companions. Confronted with the massive use of online and news, from 1995, a considerable number of people thought that websites were the new gold mine and placed the demand for contributions prices of fiscal instruments in the sky.

Then, when about struck with the reality that these companions do not generate the expected profits, investors were in rush to sell their contributions, a natural phenomenon of the market economy downgraded the price of the instruments to zero. In the rankings of top business magazines like Fortune and Bloomberg, emerge as fastest growing companions eBay, Youtube, Twitter, among others.

The Wall Street Journal Google stands out as the Corporation paid $ 100 million, a Web portal devoted to electronic commerce. Never mind that Yahoo was valued at 60.000 billion when Microsoft offered them an acquisition in 2008. It says Alexander Elder in his book Living the trading in, individuals reflect with and learn from their mistakes, but the crowds, which are affecting fiscal markets behave primitive and thoughtless.

Also Ralph Nelson Elliott, father of graphic analysis of values, based his theory with the fact that the crowds go from optimism to doubt, then fear, go back to hope and optimism. This means that the mood of about works in the form of a cycle that does nothing but repeat itself.

It seems that the fear of the dot-com bubble of 2000 was forgotten, so that investors are ready for another expensive lesson about the importance of not letting go with the flow.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What will win the silent partners in return for risking their pension funds?

A law of real estate development to become subscribers to the pension monetary fund in silent partners of the construction industry. The authorities have resolved to put our money in the hands of strangers as a solution to the dilemma of job creation in the midst of this context of financial crisis. Pensioners will do what many banks are wise to do at this point, relying on the housing sector promoter.

This is the few companies in which the partner places the capital does not know what will win in the end, if you win something. The argumentation for this dangerous business venture rests on the need to create jobs as a result, the priority of any government in the world in this difficult stage. However, hundreds of thousands of individuals who forcefully put our savings in these investments do not have arisen which will win.

Do we return what we save in the pension monetary fund with a reasonable interest? What the subscribers to the pension monetary fund will offer better interest rates when purchasing homes? Do we transfer the property at a lower cost? Some of these questions must be responded in a positive way to make it worthwhile investing in a sector that is in the doldrums.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The dollar back, but still prevails

The dollar has weakened versus the euro (approximately one in 1.35), but remains the reference currency for Earth trade.

While this is as described, the U.S. will remain the leading economical power of the earth. Though symbols of capitalist economy such as universal Motors and the Wall Street banks are crumbling, the fact that Americans consume more than 30% of goods and services produced in the Earth stands still in the lead economical and, therefore, the dollar.

It takes some time for the European Union and China move to the U.S. Economical Firstly, meanwhile, the dollar rules the pockets of tourists and international traders.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pension funds are untouchable

Pension funds are untouchable. The law protects politicians to justify in a thousand ways to allocate the income those doers away on a mandatory basis for his pension in other cases that have nothing to do with these purposes, but, once again, are untouchable.

The resources that provide doers to avoid relying on 100% of the offspring can only be used in the pension that they are worthy contributors who devoted a lifetime to work honestly and the better interests of their families, thereby contributing the better of its existence to society.

While the aim is to revive the moribund Dominican agribusiness sector (so they say themselves), the author returns and emphasizes: that income, virtuously, should be untouchable.

Matchless issue is to allocate the taxes paid by citizens to sacrifice subsidies that benefit only producers and dealers and another is to take income that the State, virtuously, does not consist and use it to be, anyway seeking a political advantage.

7,000 million pesos in pension funds that the Executive seeks to give to agriculture, a high-risk activity, constitute an amount of economic recklessness does not address the disadvantages that may come in the medium and long term.

Ensuring food security, which will not happen because the amount is realized, not worth the risk that the pension system, a victory for doers, to collapse.

Once again and the author of this blog is not to tire the reader, but: Pension funds, for dignity and conscience, are untouchable.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Paid To Click (PTC) is a site on the internet that will pay pal with a sum of money if the friend clicks on an ad / Advertisements / Ads Surf / views ads / View Advertisements from the old site with a few seconds, depending on the policies of each site. Registration is free instead of money we can again (Steady right). For local PTC usually with my friend who transfer to an account that is used often in Bank, to PTC overseas payments via AlertPay, PayPal, Liberty Reserve, etc..
The deadline for the cash out / payment / disbursement of funds varies from instant to have to wait until a week, two weeks, some even up to 30 working days or more or less 40 days (very long). Due to cash out, we must have a certain balance limits and the limited number of ads that can be clicked on each day, so try to keep clicking every day with the patient until they reach the minimum cash out. As the saying goes so a little bit so the hills
Here are the PTC choice until now proved to pay:

Who's Paying PTC I (Cash Out)

Click here for a list

Click here for a list

Click here for a list

Click here for a list

Money Paid Chat

yBefore entering into a way of talking, let me add the spirit of let's see the picture above is evidence of a direct payment from my paypal.
Money paid chat. Maybe my friend looking for the Hoe Down chat room on an overseas website? Place here, because in addition to chatting with joy and fun, too lho bro paid via paypal. Curious? . . .

 Well, to join baseball buddies can register on site directly Birejji (Cobain deh if baseball believe open, my friend had to apply through the URL to the friend who introduced Birejji (Here it is delicious). Okay, to register please click here alone.

 atau click banner di bawah ini

After signing up to go to the room where the people of The Hoe Doen met to chat, click on "travel" at the bottom left pal account. Here are some village The Hoe Down:
  1. TheHoeDown (If you want to meet me, my room was in this village)
  2. Main 
  3. Nusantara
Remember, guys get money from the pot, the bigger the pot, the greater the value of earnings-per-chat buddy. Income will be paid automatically every Friday for the U.S., so do not need to request, direct auto pal!. What must be remembered, my friend could only get results / revenue from village / bro room and join in the play village. And, the maximum per member can only join a room aja, so when choosing to join the room / village where decide wisely.

Ok, Keep Chat!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cable TV: an endangered business

On audiovisual content delivered over the online for free, cable TV is unnecessary over time. The young Americans understand that given the network facilities, pay a fee that averages $ 100 a month does not make sense.

CNET Organization published a study that showed an increase in the median age of lookers of the four broadcast popular content many successful the united provinces.

CNET notes that the median age of lookers of the Fox network (producers of the Simpsons) increased from 29 yrs to 44 yrs in a decade.

On the same side, the median age of lookers of the ABC (producer of the series Lost) grew by 37 yrs to 51 yrs, NBC (which broadcasts the games of the NBA) and CBS saw its audience grow similarly in the last 10 yrs.

What does this prove? That young people are increasingly using lower cable TV for entertainment. Whenever the new generations do not identify on the help, them is obvious that over time the business model will disappear.

Something similar happens for yrs on fixed-line phones. On a cheapening of the phone line bill and the introduction of systems such as Skype, video-calls from MSN and Yahoo Talk, past the residential line become obsolete. Telecommunications sector reports indicate that the fixed services accept grown lower than 2% in the last four yrs.

Another study that shows the days of cable TV whenever innovation is that the University of Oxford published earlier this year, on the online, not TV, has become the main entertainment of children English under 12 yrs.

Cable TV should mimic some details of his executioner, the online, and improve their relationships on customers whenever they do not want to die out completely:

On the online you can see the chapters of the most popular series without the restriction imposed by the rigid schedule TV programming, this should be corrected.

They are time for the cheaper cable TV bills, no many yrs of high margins and an abuse of monopoly.

As a charge for the provision of a help must provide this help effectively, the stigma of medalaganario cable technician and flow should be overcome as soon as possible so that the client is a real priority (or lose).

Apple, maker of the iPod, iPhone and IPAD, announced that seeks to bring TV formula through IPAD and Iphone 4. Another threat which does not react against cable operators. Could them be that the industry knows that her days are numbered and are looking to squeeze the last orange on many traditional lookers and reluctant to change?

Evolution RD

Cable operators in the Dominican Republic and face numerous difficulties caused by fraud and a weak national electrical system, which requires them to put investment of energy devices, on transmitters for that work.

A fluctuation in the entertainment habits similar to that seen in the united provinces could lead to the bankruptcy of most firms offering this benefit.

However, luckily for them, only 30% of the population of Santo Domingo and lower than 3% of the inhabitants of the provinces accept constant access to the Web, or online at home (and not in the Indore centers).

This indicates that Dominican cable companions can breathe in peace at least for the next 10 yrs, but without forgetting that the trends that are precipitated in the united provinces not take many than a decade playing in our country.

Therefore, the cable TV operators in the Dominican Republic still accept the opportunity to build better relationships on customers, offer many than satisfactory and, above all, innovate, in order to not become an endangered business extinction.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What eats a patent?

A Patent of invention is a set of exclusive rights granted by a country to an inventor or his assignee, for a limited period of time, in exchange for the disclosure of a conception, according to online encyclopedia Wikipedia.

An invention is generated on the basis of the search effort that has conducted a scientist for years. That effort laboratory generally means years of investing and expenses without receiving incomes. Profits are supposed to arrive when technological progress is materialized and may sell it.

The patent of invention system is the way in which the country protects the individual or firm that may prejudice other entities mimic the technology acquired and sold. The inventor needs protection, because only with the exclusivity of what invented can recover the economic resources it has spent or invested in search.

Without a patent of invention system fair, efficient and accountable not have inducements to innovate, because scientists would not invest years of work and sustenance of a research laboratory for a month other manufacturer imitate his invention.

In the Dominican Republic, patents handled by the National intellect attribute Office (ONAPI); a country agency has the power to enforce the right of protection to scientists around the world.

Intellect attribute or patent of invention is distinct from right of first publication, because the former protects the exclusivity of technological creation and the second ensures that intellect attribute.


According to the Accounting Standards (IFRS), which govern the exercise of account in the Dominican Republic, the intangible pluses are recorded at its acquisition rate or product cost, when to be amortized.

A patent of invention or industrial attribute must be filed within the fixed pluses for intangible fixed pluses, so that should be measured is indicated in the preceding paragraph.

As a patent of invention, in general, is a produced intangible plus by the same companion, its rate must be checked by the cost of the used in search (salaries of scientists, lab maintenance, etc.).

However, more and more companies are dedicated to developing and selling technology patents to corporations which may be helpful to the advancement of science. For the software industry this is very common commercial practice.

In this case, industrial attribute should be accounted for at acquisition cost, in other words, what costs the companion to buy the patent of invention.

About the market rate, the cost of a patent of invention is determined more by two factors: the utility for the prospective buyer and the cash flows that can generate a reasonable time.

Something important thing to note is that patents are granted for a limited time, which also indicates both their book rate as the market cost. Do not generate the same cash flow exclusive industrial attribute for 10 years, one that is valid only for two years.

Pharmaceutical Sector

Doctors and patients frequently complain that many drugs that save lives or relieve the terminally ill are sold at high prices.

Pharmaceutical companies argue they need to market their products at high costs to cover the costs of their search, and fund new search to produce new and better drugs.

Governments do not interfere in these affairs, following who know that if they restrict the pricing policies of the laboratories, there would be a decline in medical creation.