
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pension funds are untouchable

Pension funds are untouchable. The law protects politicians to justify in a thousand ways to allocate the income those doers away on a mandatory basis for his pension in other cases that have nothing to do with these purposes, but, once again, are untouchable.

The resources that provide doers to avoid relying on 100% of the offspring can only be used in the pension that they are worthy contributors who devoted a lifetime to work honestly and the better interests of their families, thereby contributing the better of its existence to society.

While the aim is to revive the moribund Dominican agribusiness sector (so they say themselves), the author returns and emphasizes: that income, virtuously, should be untouchable.

Matchless issue is to allocate the taxes paid by citizens to sacrifice subsidies that benefit only producers and dealers and another is to take income that the State, virtuously, does not consist and use it to be, anyway seeking a political advantage.

7,000 million pesos in pension funds that the Executive seeks to give to agriculture, a high-risk activity, constitute an amount of economic recklessness does not address the disadvantages that may come in the medium and long term.

Ensuring food security, which will not happen because the amount is realized, not worth the risk that the pension system, a victory for doers, to collapse.

Once again and the author of this blog is not to tire the reader, but: Pension funds, for dignity and conscience, are untouchable.

1 comment:

  1. Unlock Pension are not regulated by the financial services authority and do not offer pension, loan, mortgage or any other finance related advice.
