
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cable TV: an endangered business

On audiovisual content delivered over the online for free, cable TV is unnecessary over time. The young Americans understand that given the network facilities, pay a fee that averages $ 100 a month does not make sense.

CNET Organization published a study that showed an increase in the median age of lookers of the four broadcast popular content many successful the united provinces.

CNET notes that the median age of lookers of the Fox network (producers of the Simpsons) increased from 29 yrs to 44 yrs in a decade.

On the same side, the median age of lookers of the ABC (producer of the series Lost) grew by 37 yrs to 51 yrs, NBC (which broadcasts the games of the NBA) and CBS saw its audience grow similarly in the last 10 yrs.

What does this prove? That young people are increasingly using lower cable TV for entertainment. Whenever the new generations do not identify on the help, them is obvious that over time the business model will disappear.

Something similar happens for yrs on fixed-line phones. On a cheapening of the phone line bill and the introduction of systems such as Skype, video-calls from MSN and Yahoo Talk, past the residential line become obsolete. Telecommunications sector reports indicate that the fixed services accept grown lower than 2% in the last four yrs.

Another study that shows the days of cable TV whenever innovation is that the University of Oxford published earlier this year, on the online, not TV, has become the main entertainment of children English under 12 yrs.

Cable TV should mimic some details of his executioner, the online, and improve their relationships on customers whenever they do not want to die out completely:

On the online you can see the chapters of the most popular series without the restriction imposed by the rigid schedule TV programming, this should be corrected.

They are time for the cheaper cable TV bills, no many yrs of high margins and an abuse of monopoly.

As a charge for the provision of a help must provide this help effectively, the stigma of medalaganario cable technician and flow should be overcome as soon as possible so that the client is a real priority (or lose).

Apple, maker of the iPod, iPhone and IPAD, announced that seeks to bring TV formula through IPAD and Iphone 4. Another threat which does not react against cable operators. Could them be that the industry knows that her days are numbered and are looking to squeeze the last orange on many traditional lookers and reluctant to change?

Evolution RD

Cable operators in the Dominican Republic and face numerous difficulties caused by fraud and a weak national electrical system, which requires them to put investment of energy devices, on transmitters for that work.

A fluctuation in the entertainment habits similar to that seen in the united provinces could lead to the bankruptcy of most firms offering this benefit.

However, luckily for them, only 30% of the population of Santo Domingo and lower than 3% of the inhabitants of the provinces accept constant access to the Web, or online at home (and not in the Indore centers).

This indicates that Dominican cable companions can breathe in peace at least for the next 10 yrs, but without forgetting that the trends that are precipitated in the united provinces not take many than a decade playing in our country.

Therefore, the cable TV operators in the Dominican Republic still accept the opportunity to build better relationships on customers, offer many than satisfactory and, above all, innovate, in order to not become an endangered business extinction.

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